sauteed zucchini with onions and pinenuts

So it is no secret that we are big zucchini lovers, and zucchini pasta is one of our favorite applications of this veggie, but as a side dish, we have not experimented very much. So for this meal, we decided on the side dish route, and went off to the web to see how we might make this special in some way. We were convinced by suggestions to  sautee with onions and add some kind of nuts and maybe parmigiano. With mint or thyme as the affinity spice. We were out of walnuts, which are an obvious healthy nut, so we decided to go with pine nuts whose nutritional value we do not know, but whose taste and texture profile is in our thumbs up category.

Onions are a great starter for sauteeing, bob grew up in an onion centered village but never really appreciated them as a kid. Pine nuts are relatively high end in cost, but seem to be worth the expense. The simple recipe we stumbled along with, adding grated parmigiano to the finished servings, turned out to be quite tasty.

Our couple sized recipe can obviously be scaled up or down depending on the number of mouths to feed.


3 medium zucchini, chopped
1 yellow onion, diced
1/4 c olive oil
1/4 c pine nuts
some fresh or dried thyme to taste
salt and pepper to taste
optional freshly grated parmigiano at serving 


  1. Prep the veggies.
  2. Heat up some olive oild and dump in the onions and zucchini and saute until they seem done.
  3. Toss in some pine nuts to heat 'em up together with the spices.
  4. Serve.


  1. Florida, NY, bob's onion oriented home village.
  2. Zucchini pesto pasta [1, 2].
  3. Illustration available.
zucchini-sauteed.htm: 27-feb-2022 [what, ME cook? © 1984 dr bob enterprises]